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Asia/Pacific Young Researcher Award sponsored by IEEE Asia/Pacific (APB) Board


  • The upper age limit for the nominee is 35 (i.e., the nominee must be born on or after 1984/01/01).
  • The nominee must be a ComSoc member of Asia-Pacific region.
  • The “IEEE ComSoc Asia-Pacific Best Young Researcher Award” will be given to the best candidate, and other candidates will be considered for the “Outstanding Young Researcher Award(s)”.
  • Self-nomination is permitted.

Selection Criteria

Creativity, research impact, and contributions to ComSoc activities.

Award Prize

  • The recipient of “IEEE ComSoc Asia Pacific Best Young Researcher Award” will receive a certificate and an honorarium of US$500.
  • Each recipient of the “IEEE ComSoc Asia-Pacific Outstanding Young Researcher Award” will receive a certificate and an honorarium of US$250.

Nomination and Selection Process

Please complete and email Nomination Form to with the subject of “2023 Asia Pacific Young Researcher Award Nomination” before the deadline.  

The APB Young Researcher Award Committee evaluates the eligible nominations and select the awardee(s), and the committee members are as follows:

Wei Zhang (Chair) Australia
Chan-Byoung Chae  Korea
Hung-Yun Hsieh Taiwan
Neelesh Mehta India
Kaoru Ota Japan
Tony Quek Singapore
Lingyang Song China


Important Dates for 2023

  • Nomination Submission Deadline: 31 July 2023
  • Announcement of Awardees: 1 October 2023
  • Award Ceremony at IEEE GLOBECOM 2023 (December 2023)

Any inquiries should be directed to the following email address.
APB Technical Affairs Committee: 

2023 AP Young Researcher Award Application


IEEE ComSoc Asia-Pacific Outstanding Paper Award

IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc) Asia Pacific Board (APB) sponsors “IEEE ComSoc Asia Pacific Outstanding Paper Award”. This award honors outstanding original papers authored by members in the Asia Pacific region and published in IEEE ComSoc journals and conferences over the last three years (January 2019 to December 2022).


  • The paper must be published in IEEE ComSoc journals, magazines, conference proceedings, and so on (including those technically co-sponsored by ComSoc) in the last three years (January 2019 to December 2022).
  • All authors’ affiliations must be from the Asia Pacific region at the time of publication.
  • The paper should be nominated by an IEEE ComSoc member from the Asia Pacific region.
  • Self-nomination is not accepted.

Remark: View a list of IEEE ComSoc Journals and Portfolio of Conferences & Events

Selection Criteria

Impact, originality, utility, timeliness, and clarity of presentation.

Award Prize

  • Plaque and honorarium up to US$500 (award total each paper).

Nomination and Selection Processes

Please complete and email Nomination Form to with the subject of “2023 Asia Pacific Outstanding Paper Award Nomination” before the deadline. 

The APB Outstanding Paper Award Committee evaluates the eligible nominations and select the awardee(s), and the committee members are as follows:

Lingyang Song (Chair) China
Chan-Byoung Chae  Korea
Swades De India
Hung-Yun Hsieh Taiwan
Tony Quek Singapore
Shinya Sugiura Japan
Yingjun Zhang Hong Kong


Important Dates for 2023

  • Nomination Submission Deadline: 31 July 2023
  • Announcement of Awardees: 1 October 2023
  • Award Ceremony at IEEE GLOBECOM 2023 (December 2023)

Nomination and inquiries must be sent to the following address by e-mail.
APB Technical Affairs Committee:

2023 AP OUTSTANDING PAPER Award Application


APCC Best Paper Award


The award is presented to the authors whose work presented at an annual Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications (APCC) is recognized to be outstanding.


The name of the award is “APCC Best Paper Award”.

Award Committee

The Award Committee, organized under the guidance of APCC Steering Committee, is responsible for selecting and making the award from among all the papers presented at a specific APCC.

Members of the Award Committee

The members of the Award Committee consists of

  • the representatives from CIC, IEEE COMSOC APB, IEICE-CS and KICS, which sponsor the award by donating US$500 per year
  • TPC chair of the specific APCC
  • ASC Chair and ASC secretary

In case a member of the committee is also the author or co-author of shortlisted papers, then a nominee of the member will represent the member in the award selection process.

Number of the Award

The Award Committee will determine the number of awards to be given out in a specific APCC. This will be limited to a maximum of four awards at any one APCC.

Award Format

Every author of an awarded paper will be presented with a certificate. Each awarded paper will also receive a cash honorarium with an amount equivalent to US$300.

As an option, conference organizers may wish to add some small local souvenir gifts as part of the award.

Selection Method

  • The Award Committee requests the TPC Chair of the conference to nominate 7 to 10 papers based on their review scores. These scores will not be made known to members of the award committee prior to the final decision of the award.
  • Members of the Award Committee will review and score each of the nominated papers.
  • The winning papers together with a few runners-ups are selected based on the combined scores of the Award Committee members and the TPC reviews in the ratio of 1:1. It is possible that some considerations/adjustments on certain issues, such as Regional balance, (e.g., Regional balance, etc.) may be necessary in the final selection of the awarded papers.
  • The members of the Award Committee will make sure that the winning papers have been orally presented at the conference. If no oral presentation is made by a winning paper, then the runner up paper, which receives the highest score and has been presented, will be chosen in its place.

    Comment: Since the awards are given out during the conference banquet, normally held on the second day of the conference, it is necessary to make sure that those winning papers scheduled for the last day of the conference will in fact be presented.

Fund for the Awards

The awards are supported by the cash donations from KICS, IEICE-CS, CIC, and IEEE COMSOC APB. The ASC Secretary will receive from each organization a cash donation of US$500 per year.

(APB  (ComSoc) is expected to give the APCC organization US$1000 every two years.)

APCC Steering Committee

2023 Winners

Best Young Researcher Award
Guangxu Zhu
for contributions to edge AI empowered 6G networks

Outstanding Young Researcher Award
Howard Yang
for contributions in the spatial-temporal modeling of wireless networks and federated edge learning systems

Hongliang Zhang
for contributions to meta-material aided wireless communications and sensing

Jinseok Choi
for contributions to energy-efficient wireless communications

Wei Wang
for contributions to mmWave communications and AI-enabled wireless communications

Zhijin Qin
for contributions in semantic communications

Chong Han
for contributions to Terahertz wireless communications

Outstanding Paper Award
Samith Abeywickrama, Rui Zhang, Qingqing Wu and Chau Yuen, "Intelligent Reflecting Surface: Practical Phase Shift Model and Beamforming Optimization," IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 68, no. 9, pp. 5849-5863, September 2020.

Wankai Tang, Ming Zheng Chen, Jun Yan Dai, Yong Zeng, Xinsheng Zhao, Shi Jin, Qiang Cheng, and Tie Jun Cui, “Wireless Communications with Programmable Metasurface: New Paradigms, Opportunities, and Challenges on Transceiver Design,” IEEE Wireless Communications, vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 180–187, April 2020.

Guangxu Zhu, Yong Wang, and Kaibin Huang, "Broadband Analog Aggregation for Low-latency Federated Edge Learning," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 491-506, January 2020.

Past Winners


Best Young Researcher Award
Qingqing Wu
for contributions to pioneering Intelligent Reflecting Surface empowered 6G communications

Outstanding Young Researcher Award
Boya Di
for contributions to aerial access networks and metasurface aided systems

Fuhui Zhou
for contribution to Intelligent communications and resource optimization

Wei Quan
for contributions to reliable transmission and networking in mobile systems

Cunhua Pan
for contributions to reconfigurable intelligent surface-aided wireless systems

Tiago Koketsu Rodrigues
for contributions to research on Multi-Access Edge Computing and Beyond 5G Networks

Haneul Ko
for contribution to research on offloading systems and IoT-based systems 

Outstanding Paper Award
Xiaofei Wang, Yiwen Han, Chenyang Wang, Qiyang Zhao, Xu Chen, Min Che, "In-Edge AI: Intelligentizing Mobile Edge Computing, Caching and Communication by Federated Learning," IEEE Network, vol. 33, no. 5, pp. 156-165, Sept.-Oct. 2019

Wei Yang Bryan Lim, Nguyen Cong Luong, Dinh Thai Hoang, Yutao Jiao, Ying-Chang Liang, Qiang Yang, Dusit Niyato, and Chunyan Miao,  "Federated Learning in Mobile Edge Networks: A Comprehensive Survey." IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 2031-2063, Third Quarter 2020

Qingqing Wu and Rui Zhang, “Intelligent Reflecting Surface Enhanced Wireless Network via Joint Active and Passive Beamforming,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 18, no. 11, pp. 5394–5409, Nov. 2019


Best Young Researcher Award
Ju Ren
for contributions in Internet of Things and Edge Computing

Outstanding Young Researcher Award
Wenchi Cheng
for contributions to radio resource management of wireless networks

Chongwen Huang
for contributions to Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface empowered Wireless Communications

Yuanming Shi
for contributions to machine learning in wireless networks

Fengxiao Tang
for contributions to Interference Management in Wireless Networks

Jie Tang
for contributions to Interference Management in Wireless Networks

Yongpeng Wu
for contributions to multiuser MIMO communications

Outstanding Paper Award
Hyoungju Ji;, Sunho Park, Jeongho Yeo, Younsun Kim, Juho Lee, and Byonghyo Shim, "Ultra-Reliable and Low-Latency Communications in 5G Downlink: Physical Layer Aspects," IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine, Vol. 25, No. 3, pp. 124-130, June 2018.

Suzhi Bi andYingjun Zhang, "Computation Rate Maximization for Wireless Powered Mobile-Edge Computing With Binary Computation Offloading," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Vol. 17, No. 6, pp. 4177-4190, June 2018.

Shuhang Zhang, Hongliang Zhang, Boya Di, and Lingyang Song, "Cellular UAV-to-X Communications: Design and Optimization for Multi-UAV Networks," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 1346-1359, February 2019.


Best Young Researcher Award
Chunxiao Jiang
for contributions to heterogeneous networks convergence

Outstanding Young Researcher Award
Jiayi Zhang
for contributions to massive MIMO wireless communications

Miaowen Wen
for contributions to index modulation techniques

Nan Cheng
for contributions to space-air-ground integrated networking

Ya-Feng Liu
for contributions to signal processing for wireless communications

Wonjae Shin
for contributions to multi-cell networks

Yuichi Kawamoto
for contributions to unmanned aerial vehicle communication

Outstanding Paper Award
Chiya Zhang and Wei Zhang, “Spectrum Sharing for Drone Networks,” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 136-144, Jan. 2017

Zubair Md Fadlullah, Fengxiao Tang, Bomin Mao, Nei Kato, Osamu Akashi, Takeru Inoue, and Kimihiro Mizutani, “State-of-the-Art Deep Learning: Evolving Machine Intelligence Toward Tomorrow’s Intelligent Network Traffic Control Systems,” IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 2432- 2455, 4th Quarter 2017

He Li, Kaoru Ota, and Mianxiong Dong, “Learning IoT in Edge: Deep Learning for the Internet of Things with Edge Computing,” IEEE Network, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 96-101, Jan. 2018


Best Young Researcher Award
Haijun Zhang
for contributions to research on radio resource management in ultra-dense and heterogeneous networks

Outstanding Young Researcher Award
Jie Xu
for contribution to research on wireless power transfer

Guoru Ding
for contribution to research on cognitive radio networks

Ruisi He
for contribution to research on measurement and modeling of wireless channels

Zhenyu Zhou
for contribution to research on energy management in wireless networks

Haibo Zhou
for contribution to research on dynamic spectrum sharing in vehicular networks

Suzhi Bi
for contribution to research on wireless powered communication networks

Outstanding Paper Award 
Chenchen Yang, Yao Yao, Zhiyong Chen, and Bin Xia, "Analysis on Cache‐Enabled Wireless Heterogeneous Networks," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 131‐145, January 2016.

Changsheng You, Kaibin Huang, Hyukjin Chae, and Byoung-Hoon Kim, "Energy-Efficient Resource Allocation for Mobile-Edge Computation Offloading," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 1397-1411, Mar 2017.

Jiajia Liu, Hiroki Nishiyama, Nei Kato, and Jun Guo, "On the Outage Probability of Device-to-Device Communication Enabled Multi-Channel Cellular Networks: A RSS Threshold-Based Perspective," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 34, no. 1, pp. 163-175, January 2016.


Best Young Researcher Award
Hui-Ming Wang
for contributions to research on physical-layer secrecy for wireless communications

Outstanding Young Researcher Award 
Yuan Shen
for contributions to research on network localization and navigation

Peng Cheng
for contributions to research on communications and control of large-scale networked systems

Yong Zeng
for contributions to research on unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) communications

Kaoru Ota
for contributions to research on optimization of wireless networks

Kaigui Bian
for contributions to research on dynamic spectrum sharing

Nan Zhao
for contributions to research on interference alignment

Outstanding Paper Award 
Linglong Dai, Bichai Wang, Yifei Yuan, Shuangfeng Han, Chih-Lin I, and Zhaocheng Wang, "Nonorthogonal Multiple Access for 5G: Solutions, Challenges, Opportunities, and Future Research Trends," IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 53, no. 9, pp. 74-81, September 2015.

Yongmin Zhang, Shibo He, and Jiming Chen, "Gathering Optimization by Dynamic Sensing and Routing in Rechargeable Sensor Networks," IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 1632-1646, 2016.


Best Young Researcher Award
Xiangyun Zhou
for contributions to physical-layer security research(and remove him under outstanding young researcher

Outstanding Young Researcher Award 
Junil Choi
for his contributions to design of FDD massive MIMO systems

Xu Chen
for his contributions to socially-driven mobile networking and computing

Sheng Zhou
for his contributions to Green Wireless Communications

Xiangyun Zhou
for contributions to physical-layer security research

Jiajia Liu
for his contributions to device-to-device communications

Mianxiong Dong
for his contributions to modeling, analysis, and optimization of Cyber-Physical Systems

Linglong Dai
for his contribution to the development and application of wireless transmission technologies

Outstanding Paper Award 
Hiroki Nishiyama, Masaya Ito, and Nei Kato, “Relay-by-smartphone: realizing multihop device-to-device communications,” Vol. 52, No. 4, pp. 56- 65, IEEE Communications Magazine, April 2014

Jemin Lee and Tony Q. S. Quek, “Hybrid Full-/Half-duplex System Analysis in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Vol. 14, No. 5, pp. 2883 - 2895, May 2015


Best Young Researcher Award
Jun Zhang
for his contributions to the analysis and optimization of dense wireless cooperative networks

Outstanding Young Researcher Award 
Namyoon Lee 
for his contributions to the development of advanced interference management techniques in wireless networks

Yong Li 
for his contribution to social-aware optimization framework and mechanisms for communications and networking

Lin Gao 
for his contributions to network economics and game theory

Qian Wang 
for his contributions to cloud security and wireless networking security

Guanding Yu 
for his contribution to wireless communications and networking

Outstanding Paper Award 
Xun Zhou, Rui Zhang, and Chin Keong Ho. "Wireless information and power transfer: Architecture design and rate-energy tradeoff," IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol. 61, Issue 11, PP 4754-4767, November 2013

Ali A. Nasir, Xiangyun Zhou, Salman Durrani, and Rodney A. Kennedy. “Relaying protocols for wireless energy harvesting and information processing,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Vol. 12, No. 7, pp. 3622-3636, July 2013


Best Young Researcher Award
Mo Li
for his contributions to building wireless and networked sensing systems

Outstanding Young Researcher Award
Tsung-Hui Chang​, Xiang Cheng​, Lingjie Duan​, Zubair Fadlullah​, Shibo He

Outstanding Paper Award
Kaibin Huang and Vincent K. N. Lau, "Enabling Wireless Power Transfer in Cellular Networks: Architecture, Modeling and Deployment," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 902-912, Feb. 2014​.​

Li-Chun Wang, Chung-Wei Wang, and Chung-Ju Chang, "Modeling and Analysis for Spectrum Handoffs in Cognitive Radio Networks," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Vol. 11, No. 9, pp. 1499-1513, Sep. 2012.


Best Young Researcher Award
Yulong Zou

Outstanding Young Researcher Award
Nan Yang, Haojin Zhu, Kaishun Wu, Jemin Lee, and Mugen Peng

Outstanding Paper Award
Shao-Yu Lien, Kwang-Cheng Chen, Yonghua Lin, "Toward Ubiquitous Massive Accesses in 3GPP Machine-to-Machine​ ​Communication​," IEEE Communications Magazine, ​V​ol. 49, ​N​o. 4, pp. 66-74, Apr. 2011​.​
Xinbing Wang, Wentao Huang, Shangxing Wang, Jinbei Zhang, Chenhui Hu​, ​"​Optimal Spectrum Sharing in MIMO Cognitive Radio Networks via​ ​Semidefinite Programming​," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Vol. 29, No. 2, Feb. 2011.


Best Young Researcher Award
Mathew McKay

Outstanding Young Researcher Award
Feifei Gao | Kyoung-Jae Lee | Rongxing Lu | Hiroki Nishiyama | Caijun Zhong

Outstanding Paper Award
Masahiko Jinno, Bartlomiej Kozicki, Hidehiko Takara, Atsushi Watanabe, Yoshiaki Sone, Takafumi Tanaka, and Akira Hirano, "Distance-adaptive Spectrum Resource Allocation in Spectrum-sliced Elastic Optical Path Network," IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol. 48, No. 8, pp. 138–145, Aug. 2010

Zhisheng Niu, Yiqun Wu, Jie Gong, and Zexi Yang, "Cell Zooming for Cost-Efficient Green Cellular Networks," IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol. 48 , no. 11, pp. 74–79, Nov. 2010

Kyoung-Jae Lee, Hakjea Sung, Eunsung Park, and Inkyu Lee, "Joint Optimization for One and Two-way MIMO AF Multiple-relay Systems," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 9, no.12, pp. 3671–3681, Dec. 2010


Best Young Researcher Award
Dusit Niyato
for contributions to Wireless Communications

Outstanding Young Researcher Award
Chan Byoung Chae | Sudip Misra | Lingyang Song | Chau Yuen | Chi Zhang

Outstanding Paper Award
Yonghong Zeng, and Ying-chang Liang, "Eigenvalue-based spectrum sensing algorithms for cognitive radio," IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol. 57, No. 6, pp.1784-1793, June 2009


Best Young Researcher Award
Rui Zhang
for contributions to Wireless Communications

Outstanding Young Researcher Award
Jiming Chen | Himal A. Suraweera | Shinya Sugiura | Chee Wei Tan | Wenyi Zhang


Best Young Researcher Award
Wei Chen
for his contribution to Research Cooperative Communications and Network Information Theory

Outstanding Young Researcher Award
Ting See Ho | Y.W. Peter Hong | Bang Chul Jung


Best Young Researcher Award
Tarik Taleb
for his contribution to Research on Mobile Multimedia Streaming and Wireless Networking

Outstanding Young Researcher Award
Jianwei Huang | Sangheon Pack | Meixia Tao | Xinbing Wang | Wei Zhang