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Majid Butt

M. Majid Butt is a senior research specialist at Nokia Bell Labs, USA, and an adjunct Research Professor at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland. Prior to that, he has held various positions at the University of Glasgow, U.K., Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, and Fraunhofer HHI, Germany. He has authored more than 80 peer-reviewed articles. He also has contributed to more than 100 filed/granted patent families in cellular networks domain and was declared outstanding Nokia inventor of the year for years 2021 2022, and 2023. Dr. Butt was a recipient of the Marie Curie Alain Bensoussan Post-Doctoral Fellowship from the European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics. He has served as an associate editor for IEEE Communication Magazine and serves as an associate editor for IEEE Open Journal of the Communication Society and IEEE Open Journal of Vehicular Technology. He is senior member of IEEE and IEEE COMSOC distinguished speaker.

Lecture Topics
  • Federated Learning: Are Wireless Networks Ready for it?
  • Machine Learning: Standardization roadmap for 6G
  • AI in 6G Networks: Path from Enabler to AI-Native Air Interface
  • Ambient Energy harvesting IoTs: A missing link in 3GPP IoT Space
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Lecture Term Date